

six months:

transform your struggle into peace.

your shame into power.

your suffering into pleasure.

& write the book of your dreams.

The creative process is a highly intricate collection of five fluid stages: inspiration, organization, creation, revision, and publication.

When you feel centered and connected to your truth, without pretense or pretending, even when your truth feels challenging, you enter what is commonly known as “flow”.

You are inspired to create a story, you plan for the story, you get the story onto the page, you refine the story to your level of satisfaction, and then you share your story with the world.


And if one of these creative stages has been blocked because of internalized oppression, chronic overwhelm, feeling unsafe, memories of being unheard, or deep visibility wounds, you feel stuck.

Here is what “stuck” looks like:


You struggle to stay inspired, consistently getting dragged out by imposter syndrome, busyness, and the worst sh*t your mother ever said to you about your worth. Your inner critic is a bully that barely allows you to create anything.

Solution? Turn your inner critic into your friend. VIP Book Coaching will help you listen deeply to your inner jerk with compassion, get clear about what inner safety you need, and transform your mom's 'advice' into the perfect fuel for your creative fire. You’ll create your own art date schedule and become your own muse. You’ll craft a personalized artist statement that screams “I know what I’m doing” and use it as a map to stay connected to your inspiration in a sea of creative doubt.


You struggle to stay organized. You’re super busy, struggling with self-care, and/or experience neurodivergent ways of being that don’t take well to restriction or drudgery. You feel scared of being hemmed in by too much control. You have SO many amazing, intricately creative ideas, but very little to show for it :(

Solution? Marie Kondo your beautiful chaos. With VIP Book coaching, you'll learn how to create ease skillfully and intentionally. You’ll create a 2-5 page book outline with due dates/art dates/and a central thematic question. You’ll create a system that works with your unique brain, turning your brilliant chaos into a well-oiled idea machine. No more lost notes, writing by the seat of your pants, or forgotten brainstorms on your I-Phone—just pure, organized genius.


You struggle to put pen to paper. There is so much judgement and you don’t feel safe to see you less than shiny parts. You will do EVERYTHING but write (including taking a million workshops). You love an outline, the more intricate the better, but struggle to make time to actually, you know, write.

Solution? Write an excerpt and create your ideal writing schedule. VIP Book coaching will hold you accountable and help you meet the tender truth of your procrastination. You’ll learn to create safety within. You’ll design a flexible reading/writing schedule that feels good to your real life. You’ll transform your beautiful outlines into a strong 25 page book excerpt or first chapter you can submit to contests and journals, turning your 'I’ll write tomorrow' into 'I wrote today and it’s pretty dope.'


You struggle with refining your art. The Notes app on your phone is abundance personified. You have 34 messy rough drafts of about 122 projects and there’s still more coming down the pipeline. You need to spring clean your writing and reveal your best.

Solution? Edit like a pro. VIP Book Coaching will guide you in curating your creative chaos and identifying your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll perform a manuscript review of your rough draft. You’ll sift through your draft carefully, keep the gems, set due dates, and polish your book until it shines brighter than Rihanna at the Met Gala. Your work will go from rough to ready with ease.


You struggle with receiving attention and yet deeply crave to be known. You have deep, intersectional possibly ancestral visibility wounds which cause you to shrink and not share your work with the ones who want it. You love to play hide and seek with yourself.

Solution? Share your work without fear. VIP Book Coaching will help you step into the spotlight with care and confidence. You’ll meet your visibility wounds head-on and transform your fear into excitement. You’ll learn to share your work proudly and connect with your core audience that’s been waiting for your brilliance.

The solution to hop off this creative struggle bus?

Gifting yourself and your art the time, space, safety, care, and love it requires.

My VIP Book Coaching container is a highly personalized mentorship with accountability, support, ancestral guidance, and a graduation bouquet where you: lovingly prepare for your triggers and vulnerabilities, zero in on your Goddess-given creative destiny, shed those inherited limitations, and become the artist of your dreams.

Give yourself six months and you will be crushing on your creative life, creating your roadmap for success, writing with ease, revising intentionally, and sharing your work gladly with the ones who love you and what you have to offer.

My VIP Book Coaching is intersectional, trauma-aware, pleasure-centered, and highly attuned to your personal needs and desires.

I am an award-winning professional writer and polycreative who went from inspecting commercial vessels in the US Coast Guard to writing an exquisitely original book centered on the Yoruba goddess Osun. I am a certified yoga teacher, cannabis advocate, and pleasure enthusiast who believes that bliss is medicine.

I would be honored to be your trusted cocreator and guide along your creative journey. This earth needs so much healing and making space for happy women making good, world-shifting art as they live in flow is the healing.

Here are some writers who trusted me with the creative work and vision:

“I created a syllabus that I really use. I started to really wrap my brain around what I wanted to do with my writing-- position myself as a contemporary Haitian writer. Hannah made me realize things were possible that I previously had no sense of. Kind of like manifesting, but just for my brain's imagination. These were not things I would allow myself to wonder, before. So, talking through these things and Hannah making sense of them was the most beneficial.”

Lyrica Fils-Aimé: therapist, private practice owner, and non-profit leader and published writer

“Hannah gave me insightful feedback to a manuscript I was working on, providing tangible feedback on both what worked and what needed work in a constructive way that encouraged and inspired me. I especially appreciated our discussions of how writing skills, personal growth, and social issues such as race, gender, equity and politics all intertwine in our creative work. And I love the spark of curiosity Hannah brings to every project- she inspires me to do more, try more!”

Cathy Camper, author of Lowriders in Space graphic novel series

"Hannah is brilliant and creative at nurturing stories! Whether she's designing creative exercises to reach the root of your story, evaluating plot, or offering specific feedback on pages, I always walked away from our writing sessions feeling empowered and excited to return to my projects. Hannah's notes and encouragement were essential for moving beyond the messy draft stage."

Angela Velez, author of Lulu and Milagro’s Search for Clarity.

Ready to begin your (new) favorite part of your creative journey?

Give yourself the gift of a 30 minute complimentary consultation dedicated solely to your creative desires. You’ll know by the end of our call what the perfect next step is for you.


I wish you so much beauty, fun, depth, and care on your creative journey. Your story is precious and I wish you success.



VIP Book Coaching - Full Payment

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VIP Book Coaching - 6 Month Payment Plan

What are you writing?
What's your creative style?
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VIP Book Coaching - 12 Month Payment Plan

What are you writing?
What's your creative style?
What would you like to receive?